SuoMu’s 10th-year anniversary celebration takes place during HDW’s Children’s Design Week from September 8th to 17th, 2023. The long-standing collaboration between SuoMu and HDW continues with exciting events for families, including the Children’s Design Duel, Hakola’s Color Rebellion installation, and Tactic’s MiniHome® Play Studio at Cable Factory on 9th and 10th of September.
Additionally, the Helsinki Design Award, presented by the City of Helsinki and HDW, will be awarded this year in collaboration with SuoMu to an individual or group in Helsinki who has promoted design education or increased awareness in the field.
HDW Children’s Design Week invites people of all ages to try their hand at design. Workshops and collaborative activities are available with guidance from SuoMu’s instructors.
Program for HDW Children’s Design Week, September 8th-17th, 2023:
September 9th-10th, 2023, Cable Factory from 11 am to 6 pm – workshops, installations, and celebrations. Entrance to Turbine Hall from Lasipiha. Free entry, accessible, no pre-registration required.
Children’s design demonstration: Sign Workshop in Turbine Hall
Color rebellion and Color domino game in Lasipiha, Hakola Huonekalu Oy
MiniHome® play studio in Turbine Hall, Tactic Games Oy
Finnish Design Learning Association SuoMu’s Birthday spot in Turbine Hall
Break oasis with Eero Aarnio’s furniture in Turbine Hall
HDW Children’s Studio, photography point in Turbine Hall
September 11th-17th, 2023, Children’s design demonstration: Installation in Telakkapuisto, next to Merikortteli (free entry, installation)
September 15th, 2023, from 3 to 7 pm, Weekly Talks at the Merikortteli Stage – check the program (included with HWN ticket/
September 16th, 2023, Preview and Workshop for Children at Riviera (Riviera ticket 10€)
The event’s main partners are Hakola and Tactic. In cooperation with: Suomen Muotoilukasvatusseura ry SuoMu, Helsinki Design Week, City of Helsinki, Hakola Huonekalu Oy, Tactic Games Oy, Eero Aarnio Originals, Studio Eero Aarnio, Elovena, Helwood, Plywood Print and Piknik People Studio.
In the early years of SuoMu’s activities at HDW, there were lectures and talks by SuoMu contributors, and later, fun workshops took over the event venues. In 2015, we were part of the Children’s Design Weekend at Suvilahti, with the “Floating Vehicles” workshop, where participants tested their prototypes in a water pool. The vehicles floated, moved, and dissolved as hundreds of visitors created their own versions of water travel.
In 2019, Etana Editions was responsible for the Children’s Design Week program and we were another partner at Annantalo. During the week, we designed carpets using collage techniques in a competition – the winning design was made into a real carpet at Lindström’s factory. The world-saving machines that had previously traveled to the Milan Triennale were on display at Annantalo. New world-improving machines were also created in an open workshop over the weekend.
After the pandemic in 2021, it was time to celebrate again, and HDW asked us to create new material for Helsinki’s cultural path for use in all Helsinki schools. This led to the creation of children’s PechaKucha material, which helps in building one’s own speech and practicing presentation skills. The following year, Mari Savio was part of HDW’s program with the Children’s PechaKucha at the Oodi Central Library.
Image: Aleksi Poutanen.
In this celebratory year, SuoMu is a partner of HDW during Children’s Design Week. We bring the Children’s design demonstration to the Turbine Hall at Cable Factory, where everyone can create their own protest signs for a better urban environment for children.
The Children’s design demonstration is about play and rebellion for a more enjoyable, better, and more interesting children’s living environment.
Image: SuoMu’s archive.
Finnish Design Learning Association SuoMu
Finnish Design Learning Association SuoMu is an association dedicated for design learning that provides creative learning tools for people of all ages. SuoMu’s learning materials and content have been co-created and they strive to inspire the exploration of design methods in a learner-centered way. In design learning, the work methods and tools familiar from design are incorporated into all learning. SuoMu’s goal is to awaken curiosity, support thinking skills, and help discover the joy of creativity.
SuoMu offers teachers and educators freely available educational materials and develops new materials and learning content in collaboration with partners. For example, the “design cake” shows how the stages of the design process can be used for planning one’s own learning.
Helsinki Design Week (HDW)
Helsinki Design Week showcases new actors and phenomena in design in collaboration with various stakeholders. Established in 2005, Helsinki Design Week is the largest design festival in the Nordic countries.
SuoMu on tänä vuonna ollut yhteistyökumppanina useammalla leirillä. Pop-Tieteen ja SuoMun kesäleirit Tekniikan museolla pyörivät yhä, ja kesäkuun 8-12.päivä leireiltiin Vuotalolla. Elokuussa on tulossa vielä yksi Popin ja SuoMun leiri, jonne voit ilmoittautua TÄÄLTÄ. Tunnelmia kesän leireiltä pääset lukemaan Popin Facebook-sivulta. Suomulaiset lomailevat kesän ajan ja palaamme taas elokuussa sorvin ääreen. Lähdemme jatkamaan Iltatee-sarjaa ja …
Koko Kylän Työhuoneella järjestetään SuoMun ja Valkon kansalaisopiston kanssa yhteistyössä Ompeluseura-kurssia. Kurssilla ommellaan, suunnitellaan, muokkaillaan vanhaa, keksitään uutta, jaetaan ideoita, innostutaan ja tehdään kaikkea tätä hyvässä seurassa.
Uudet päivämäärät (päivitetty 11.9.2021): Tehdes-leirikoulu 25-26.10.2021, 5.-7.luokkalaisille, Anjalan Nuorisokeskus ja Tehtaanmäen koulu. Tehdes-innovaatiopäivät 4-5.11.2021. Kehittäjien innovaatioleiri on jatkoa elokuun webinaarille. Työpajoissa jatkokehitetään koulun uuskäyttöä arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilukasvatuksen näkökulmasta. Tehdes-tapahtumat elo-syyskuussa 2021: Webinaari (suomeksi) 17.8.2021 klo 12-15. Puheenvuorot mm. Aalto-koulujen verkostosta, Lasten ja nuorten arkkitehtuurikoulu Arkista ja Suomen Muotoilukasvatusseurasta sekä A&DO Arkkitehtuurin ja muotoilun oppimisen keskuksesta. …
We are celebrating together with our long-term partner, Helsinki Design Week (HDW), in September!
SuoMu’s 10th-year anniversary celebration takes place during HDW’s Children’s Design Week from September 8th to 17th, 2023. The long-standing collaboration between SuoMu and HDW continues with exciting events for families, including the Children’s Design Duel, Hakola’s Color Rebellion installation, and Tactic’s MiniHome® Play Studio at Cable Factory on 9th and 10th of September.
Additionally, the Helsinki Design Award, presented by the City of Helsinki and HDW, will be awarded this year in collaboration with SuoMu to an individual or group in Helsinki who has promoted design education or increased awareness in the field.
HDW Children’s Design Week invites people of all ages to try their hand at design. Workshops and collaborative activities are available with guidance from SuoMu’s instructors.
Program for HDW Children’s Design Week, September 8th-17th, 2023:
Installation in Telakkapuisto, next to Merikortteli (free entry, installation)
Read more on the event page. The full program can be found on HDW’s event calendar.
The event’s main partners are Hakola and Tactic. In cooperation with: Suomen Muotoilukasvatusseura ry SuoMu, Helsinki Design Week, City of Helsinki, Hakola Huonekalu Oy, Tactic Games Oy, Eero Aarnio Originals, Studio Eero Aarnio, Elovena, Helwood, Plywood Print and Piknik People Studio.
In the early years of SuoMu’s activities at HDW, there were lectures and talks by SuoMu contributors, and later, fun workshops took over the event venues. In 2015, we were part of the Children’s Design Weekend at Suvilahti, with the “Floating Vehicles” workshop, where participants tested their prototypes in a water pool. The vehicles floated, moved, and dissolved as hundreds of visitors created their own versions of water travel.
In 2019, Etana Editions was responsible for the Children’s Design Week program and we were another partner at Annantalo. During the week, we designed carpets using collage techniques in a competition – the winning design was made into a real carpet at Lindström’s factory. The world-saving machines that had previously traveled to the Milan Triennale were on display at Annantalo. New world-improving machines were also created in an open workshop over the weekend.
After the pandemic in 2021, it was time to celebrate again, and HDW asked us to create new material for Helsinki’s cultural path for use in all Helsinki schools. This led to the creation of children’s PechaKucha material, which helps in building one’s own speech and practicing presentation skills. The following year, Mari Savio was part of HDW’s program with the Children’s PechaKucha at the Oodi Central Library.
In this celebratory year, SuoMu is a partner of HDW during Children’s Design Week. We bring the Children’s design demonstration to the Turbine Hall at Cable Factory, where everyone can create their own protest signs for a better urban environment for children.
The Children’s design demonstration is about play and rebellion for a more enjoyable, better, and more interesting children’s living environment.
Finnish Design Learning Association SuoMu
Finnish Design Learning Association SuoMu is an association dedicated for design learning that provides creative learning tools for people of all ages. SuoMu’s learning materials and content have been co-created and they strive to inspire the exploration of design methods in a learner-centered way. In design learning, the work methods and tools familiar from design are incorporated into all learning. SuoMu’s goal is to awaken curiosity, support thinking skills, and help discover the joy of creativity.
SuoMu offers teachers and educators freely available educational materials and develops new materials and learning content in collaboration with partners. For example, the “design cake” shows how the stages of the design process can be used for planning one’s own learning.
Helsinki Design Week (HDW)
Helsinki Design Week showcases new actors and phenomena in design in collaboration with various stakeholders. Established in 2005, Helsinki Design Week is the largest design festival in the Nordic countries.
In collaboration with
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