THE FINNISH ASSOCIATION OF DESIGN LEARNING is a pioneer developer of design learning. SuoMu produces educational materials, seminars and events and works together with other organizations and actors internationally. The methods developed by SuoMu give encouraging learning tools for creative learning. The use of design methods in SuoMu’s activities is the basis for all learning. They offer new ways to think about personal learning processes.
SuoMu was founded in 2013 and has since been a key developer of design learning methods and educational materials in Finland. The SuoMu curriculum includes developing teaching materials for schools, and universities, various co-creation projects with students, teachers and experts and numerous events and exhibitions.
Design learning uses design methods as learning tools
Design learning is a creative and inventive way to learn anything. It utilizes design best practices to visualize, deal with complexity, and nurture creativity. Knowledge and skills are developed using design as a toolkit. It offers experiential learning methods by doing and experimenting. Discovery, prototyping, knowledge, and play are integral to this process.
In design learning, learners, instructors, and teachers are encouraged to experiment, take initiative, exchange perspectives, and share their ideas. Design learning fosters independent and courageous thinking, idea exchange, and the utilization of mistakes. It also promotes teamwork, emotional intelligence, and empathy skills.
What is MUTKU?
In the MUTKU design learning process, learning follows the steps of LOOK, EXPERIMENT, CREATE, and TELL. You can access the MUTKU poster that outlines the design learning process here. We have also developed other learning materials, which you can find at the end of this page and from the material library.
The MUTKU design learning pedagogy fundamentally changes how learning is seen. It uses design methods as learning tools and applies design thinking to new areas. Furthermore, children and youth are seen as active planners of their learning. Learning is co-created and built together, and it comes from the student. Learning by doing and embracing mistakes challenges the traditional way of learning that has focused on exams and the right answers.
SuoMu promotes broad and brave thinking and sees children and youth as active members of society. Young people are innovators who can shape and form our living environments and make a difference. The MUTKU pedagogy gives them the tools to think, ideate, and create better solutions.
Learning is about discovering and developing new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Design has a lot to offer in achieving that goal!
Are you interested in collaborating with us? Please send us an email:

You can download English versions of SuoMu publications.
Our materials are for non-commercial use only (e.g. teachers, instructors, use for business is not allowed).
DOWNLOAD (pdf) Mutku Methods Poster

THE FINNISH ASSOCIATION OF DESIGN LEARNING is a pioneer developer of design learning. SuoMu produces educational materials, seminars and events and works together with other organizations and actors internationally. The methods developed by SuoMu give encouraging learning tools for creative learning. The use of design methods in SuoMu’s activities is the basis for all learning. They offer new ways to think about personal learning processes.
SuoMu was founded in 2013 and has since been a key developer of design learning methods and educational materials in Finland. The SuoMu curriculum includes developing teaching materials for schools, and universities, various co-creation projects with students, teachers and experts and numerous events and exhibitions.
Design learning uses design methods as learning tools
Design learning is a creative and inventive way to learn anything. It utilizes design best practices to visualize, deal with complexity, and nurture creativity. Knowledge and skills are developed using design as a toolkit. It offers experiential learning methods by doing and experimenting. Discovery, prototyping, knowledge, and play are integral to this process.
In design learning, learners, instructors, and teachers are encouraged to experiment, take initiative, exchange perspectives, and share their ideas. Design learning fosters independent and courageous thinking, idea exchange, and the utilization of mistakes. It also promotes teamwork, emotional intelligence, and empathy skills.
What is MUTKU?
In the MUTKU design learning process, learning follows the steps of LOOK, EXPERIMENT, CREATE, and TELL. You can access the MUTKU poster that outlines the design learning process here. We have also developed other learning materials, which you can find at the end of this page and from the material library.
The MUTKU design learning pedagogy fundamentally changes how learning is seen. It uses design methods as learning tools and applies design thinking to new areas. Furthermore, children and youth are seen as active planners of their learning. Learning is co-created and built together, and it comes from the student. Learning by doing and embracing mistakes challenges the traditional way of learning that has focused on exams and the right answers.
SuoMu promotes broad and brave thinking and sees children and youth as active members of society. Young people are innovators who can shape and form our living environments and make a difference. The MUTKU pedagogy gives them the tools to think, ideate, and create better solutions.
Learning is about discovering and developing new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Design has a lot to offer in achieving that goal!
Are you interested in collaborating with us? Please send us an email:
You can download English versions of SuoMu publications.
Our materials are for non-commercial use only (e.g. teachers, and instructors, use for business is not allowed).
DOWNLOAD (pdf) Mutku Methods Poster