We had the pleasure of visiting The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands back in 2022. This was a wonderful trip filled with inspiration and joy, and we have been looking for the possibility to return and continue working with design learning methods. We were happy to receive a travel grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation last Fall, and are returning to the beautiful town of Tórshavn this February. SuoMu team this time is our own Mari Savio, our head of board Paula Susitaival, together members and designers Anna Kokki and Siri Lumme.
Join for SuoMu Aternoon Tea on Thursday February 22, 2024 3-5pm
During this one-week trip, we will be holding three workshops for school groups. The theme will be responsibility and sustainability, following the Nordic House’s programme focus. Together with the local school children we are building the new round of World-Saving-Machines and also encouraging a critical view on what should be done to make the living environment better. Participants will ideate and create The first machines made by children were exhibited at Milano Triennale in 2019, and the Faroese edition machines will be shown to the public during the Children’s Festival held in the Nordic House later this spring.
We look forward to the trip and this collaboration, and cannot wait to see how questions like How can humans act to support the systems that enable life on Earth, instead of causing destruction? How can design help?
Designers and instructors from the Finnish Design Learning Association guide participants as they create prototypes from local surplus materials. Attention has been paid to choosing recycled materials, that are available locally. Tape, glue and other easy methods are used to build the prototypes.
SuoMu visits the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands18-21 February 2024
Oletko kiinnostunut luovuudesta, arkkitehtuurista ja oppimisesta? Ankkapurhan kulttuuripuistossa Kouvolan Inkeroisissa järjestetään uudenlainen luovuusleiri aikuisille. Se on samalla viikonlopun mittainen elämysmatka Kymijoen rannoille ja suomalaiseen teollisuushistoriaan sekä erityisesti alueen sydämeen, Alvar Aallon suunnittelemaan Tehtaanmäen kouluun. SuoMu suunnittelee ja toteuttaa leirin työpajat, joissa osallistuja saa heittäytyä tilan, värien, kuvien ja ideoiden vietäväksi. Leiri tarjotaan sisältöineen rajoitetulle määrälle …
Helsinki Design Week järjestetään 8.–17.9. HDW levittäytyy tuttuun tapaan ympäri kaupunkia ja avoimen ohjelmahaun kautta mukaan valittavat tapahtumat tulevat osaksi Helsinki Design Weekin virallista ohjelmaa ja tapahtumat saavat näkyvyyttä Helsinki Design Weekin markkinointiviestinnässä. Festivaalin teema “Olipa kerran” kutsuu kertomaan tarinoita. Minkälaisen muotoilukasvatuksen tapahtuman sinä järjestäisit? Tapahtumasi voi olla esimerkiksi lapsille ja lapsiperheille suunnattu työpaja tai …
SuoMu visits the Faroe Islands in February 2024
We had the pleasure of visiting The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands back in 2022. This was a wonderful trip filled with inspiration and joy, and we have been looking for the possibility to return and continue working with design learning methods. We were happy to receive a travel grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation last Fall, and are returning to the beautiful town of Tórshavn this February. SuoMu team this time is our own Mari Savio, our head of board Paula Susitaival, together members and designers Anna Kokki and Siri Lumme.
During this one-week trip, we will be holding three workshops for school groups. The theme will be responsibility and sustainability, following the Nordic House’s programme focus. Together with the local school children we are building the new round of World-Saving-Machines and also encouraging a critical view on what should be done to make the living environment better. Participants will ideate and create The first machines made by children were exhibited at Milano Triennale in 2019, and the Faroese edition machines will be shown to the public during the Children’s Festival held in the Nordic House later this spring.
We look forward to the trip and this collaboration, and cannot wait to see how questions like How can humans act to support the systems that enable life on Earth, instead of causing destruction? How can design help?
Designers and instructors from the Finnish Design Learning Association guide participants as they create prototypes from local surplus materials. Attention has been paid to choosing recycled materials, that are available locally. Tape, glue and other easy methods are used to build the prototypes.
SuoMu visits the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands 18-21 February 2024
Homepage for the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands https://www.nlh.fo/
SuoMu team: Anna Kokki, Paula Susitaival, Mari Savio and Siri Lumme.
This trip is supported by The Finnish Cultural Foundation travel grants.
Text and images: Anna Kokki
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